
Vs. – The 2 letter secret to quick & effective product comparison using Google.

When researching products and services, especially in areas outside your expertise, it can be tough just discovering what your choices are. You can use the power of Google’s search term suggestion to quickly generate a list of competitors products using just two lil’ letters — vs. Example: I’m using Zapier for a Twitter experiment. It’s a […]

=IFERROR() is your friend

If you don’t want that #DIV/0 error in Google Docs, wrap your equation in =IFERROR() like so: Done & done. Bonus Tip I: Selecting the whole column and hitting CTRL+D or APPLE+D will apply that formula all the way down the column (or as far as your selection).  


Google’s auto-suggest functionality has completed changed the way I search now. I no longer even attempt to beat the browser with my search term, but rather just type the first few characters and instinctively pause and wait for the  cloud to figure out what I meant. One of my favorite uses of this feature is […]