Is it PIN-trest or PIN-ter-est?


Just over heard one of those awesome conversations where one person pronounces a word one way, and the other person pronounces it the other way. It’s great because neither will address the fact that disagree with the pronounciation of the word, instead they just keep working said word into the dialogue whether it’s relevent or not.

Actual conversation (sorta…it’s from memory)

A: Do you have a PIN-trest account?

B: Nope, I request and invite to PIN-ter-rest, but they haven’t let me in yet. Bastards.

A: Really? When did you ask PIN-trest for an invite?

B: I dunno, I remember I went to the site and clicked that invite button under the PIN-ter-est logo. Maybe 2 weeks ago?

A: That seems like a long time, I know PIN-trest usually gives you access after a few days. Maybe you should go PIN-trest dot com and ask PIN-trest for access again.

B: Well PIN-ter-est emailed me a few times about it, so I guess it’s up to PIN-ter-est to decide when I get access. The bastards.

and it kept going but my eyes glazed over and my brain turned off, so I can’t say how much longer it went on for..

For the record, I say PIN-trest.

Check out my PIN-trest page here

also: sorry that image is so ginormous… it’s a test for pinterest.

EDIT: oh, those of you in other countries… i’m actually quite curious about that. Le-PEEN-trah? el-PIN-ter-EST-o-REEN-o? (sorry, i’m barely mono-lingual)

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